Bureau organization
Since 1913, the Bureau has proudly remained a student-run organization.
Bureau members
The Harvard Legal Aid Bureau consists of approximately 50 students members. Bureau members are responsible for handling all aspects of cases, determining client intake, participating in the Bureau’s administration, maintaining practice standards, and advocating for new practice areas where there is need. Policy issues are decided by the Bureau’s Board of Directors, a student-elected group. All Bureau members have opportunities to voice their opinions and concerns and to contribute their ideas about the Bureau’s practice standards and policy issues.
Learn more about how to apply to apply for membership here.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is responsible for the development and implementation of policies for the Bureau’s administration and practice. Its positions and responsibilities are as follows:
President – provides leadership and cohesiveness to the Bureau community and serves as the representative to the Harvard Law School administration, Bureau alumni, and the greater Boston community
Executive Director – manages the Bureau’s casework and operations, including capacity and staffing
Vice President for Practice Standards (VPPS) – oversees case closings, quality assurance, and client records
Vice President for Membership (VPM) – recruits new members, determines the criteria by which new applicants will be evaluated, and organizes Bureau social events
Secretary-Treasurer – keeps minutes of all Bureau meetings while overseeing the annual budget and the Bureau’s permanent records
Training Director – maintains the Bureau’s educational standards
Intake Director – sets intake policy and procedure, facilitates intake decisions and contact with potential clients
Communications Director – coordinates Bureau publicity on campus and in the greater Boston community
Alumni Director – manages relationships within the Bureau alumni network, and works with alumni committees
Summer Counsel
Summer Counsel are law students who work full-time during Harvard Law School’s summer recess to ensure the Bureau’s clients receive excellent legal representation. With the guidance and support of the Bureau’s clinical staff, Summer Counsel serve as the primary case handlers, making all final decisions regarding case management.
Learn more about how to apply to be Summer Counsel here.
Clinical staff
The Harvard Legal Aid Bureau has the privilege of working with clinical staff dedicated to the pedagogical and professional development of its student attorneys. Acting as attorneys of record, educators, and mentors, the clinical staff advise Bureau members and Fellows on their cases and attend court appearances with their student attorneys.
Read more about our staff members here.